How The Keto Diet For Belly Fat Works?

How The Keto Diet For Belly Fat Works

Curious about “How The Keto Diet For Belly Fat Works?” Discover the mechanisms, benefits, and tips for achieving a healthier you with keto. The high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet has shown significant effectiveness in aiding weight loss, leading to its widespread popularity in recent years.

This diet is particularly beneficial for fat loss, prompting many individuals to inquire if adopting a ketogenic diet is the solution to targeting belly fat, a common challenge for those aiming to lose weight.

What Is The Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet challenges traditional notions of healthy eating by shifting the focus away from carbohydrates, which are central to most standard diets. Instead of relying on grains, legumes, starchy vegetables, and fruit with minimal fat, the keto diet emphasizes a daily intake of 5% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 75% fat. According to nutritionist Alexander Thompson, “The keto diet maintains very low carbohydrate intake, which is believed to optimize the body’s utilization of stored fat for energy.”

Supporters of the keto diet suggest that this dietary approach can be beneficial for promoting healthy weight management.

The Keto Diet And Weight Loss

Following a keto diet means significantly reducing your carbohydrate intake while consuming higher amounts of fat and moderate levels of protein. This shift in diet aims to transition your body’s primary energy source from glucose (derived from carbs) to fat. Initially, your body will use up glycogen stores for essential glucose needs. 

Once depleted, it will start utilizing dietary fats, breaking them down into triglycerides and converting them into ketones for energy. As your body consumes these fatty acids, it eventually turns to stored body fat for energy, leading to a state called ketosis and potentially rapid weight loss, particularly around the belly and throughout the body.

Why Is Belly Fat Unhealthy?

Studies indicate that being obese or overweight can raise your chances of developing serious long-term conditions like heart disease, specific types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, where your body stores fat may play a bigger role than the amount of fat itself.

Visceral fat, which is fat around your organs in the abdomen, can lead to inflammation and health issues. A larger waist size is linked to more visceral fat.

Can You Lose Belly Fat On Keto?

Belly Fat On Keto

Visceral fat, particularly around the belly, can be stubborn, and many dieters aim to reduce it. While it’s commonly understood that no diet can specifically target fat in one area, keto diets are known for promoting overall fat loss. If you carry excess weight in certain areas like your midsection, you may see reductions while on keto.

Studies suggest that keto diets may lead to more significant belly fat loss compared to low-fat diets. In one study, participants on a very low-carbohydrate keto diet lost more trunk fat than those on a low-fat diet. This reduction in belly fat wasn’t solely due to overall fat loss; the ratio of abdominal fat to total fat also decreased significantly.

Types Of Belly Fat

Types Of Belly Fat

Before delving into whether ketosis targets belly fat, it’s crucial to understand that there are two kinds of belly fat: visceral and subcutaneous.

Subcutaneous Belly Fat

Subcutaneous fat refers to the belly fat situated just beneath the skin, making up approximately 90% of your body’s fat. It poses little harm to your health.

Visceral Belly Fat

Visceral belly fat is distinct. It’s situated around and beneath the vital organs in your abdomen, and an excess of it can pose significant health risks.

Excess visceral fat can contribute to various health conditions such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Decreased insulin sensitivity
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer

Visceral fat is hidden deep in the abdominal cavity, making it less visible compared to subcutaneous fat. Typically, about 10% of your total body fat is visceral fat. An indicator of potentially high visceral fat levels is having a waist measurement exceeding 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women.

Will I Lose Belly Fat On Keto?

Fat serves as the primary fuel source during ketosis, leading to rapid weight loss. However, what about belly fat? For many, this area can be the most resistant to noticeable fat reduction. When your body requires stored fatty acids for energy, it will obtain them from wherever it can. Genetics might influence which areas lose fat first and which areas retain fat.

While shedding visceral fat is typically more challenging than subcutaneous fat, research indicates that low-carb or ketogenic diets can effectively target visceral fat loss.

How Quickly Does Ketosis Burn Belly Fat?

After entering ketosis, weight and fat loss can be swift for some individuals but more gradual for others. It’s important to note that a steady weight loss of about 1-2 pounds per week is ideal for sustainable long-term results. Instead of solely focusing on the scale, consider tracking your progress through body measurements and comparison photos to monitor your achievements.

Key Factors For Fat Loss on Keto Diet

A healthy lifestyle is key for optimal weight and fat loss outcomes. Simply following a keto diet without focusing on proper food choices, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can hinder your fat-loss journey.

This lack of balance may lead to feelings of sluggishness and discomfort, making it challenging to sustain your diet over time. To maximize your success, prioritize these essential factors.

Keto Foods To Promote Fat Loss

While following a high-fat diet, it’s important not to consume just any fatty foods. Instead of relying on saturated fat and sodium-rich options like bacon and hot dogs, prioritize healthy sources of fats such as:

  • Avocado
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Salmon
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Coconut and olive oil
  • Olives

Our keto fat bombs, rich in MCT oil and other healthy fats, are designed to support your keto macros and aid in achieving your health goals on the ketogenic diet. For a detailed reference on food choices, explore our keto foods list. It’s crucial to monitor your carbohydrate and calorie intake closely. Excessive carbs can impede ketosis and slow fat loss while consuming more calories than you burn can hinder your desired results.


While a keto diet can lead to weight loss initially without exercise, incorporating physical activity is crucial for sustained progress. Regular exercise not only prevents plateaus but also enhances body composition and maximizes fat loss during ketosis.


Make sleep a top priority if you haven’t already. Insufficient sleep can hinder weight loss progress, even on the keto diet. Quality sleep plays a crucial role in regulating hunger hormones, potentially causing increased hunger and reduced satisfaction when you’re sleep-deprived. Aim for a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night to optimize your well-being and continue seeing positive results.


How Does Keto Burn Belly Fat?

When you cut carbs, your body shifts to burning fat for energy, producing ketones as its main fuel for both body and brain.

How Long Before Belly Fat Goes Away On Keto?

Many people experience a weight drop of 10-20 pounds in the first month of cutting carbs due to the body using up stored glycogen, which contains glucose and water.

What Is The Best Diet To Lose Belly Fat?

Emphasize plant-based foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Opt for lean protein sources like fish and low-fat dairy. Reduce intake of processed meats and saturated fats found in high-fat dairy and meats like cheese and butter.

What Burns The Most Belly Fat?

Walking, dancing, running, swimming, housework, gardening, playing with children, strength training, Pilates, and yoga all help reduce belly fat.

Is Belly Fat The Hardest To Burn?

Losing belly fat can be challenging due to its nature as “active fat.” Unlike inactive fat, belly fat releases hormones that can affect your health and weight loss efforts, particularly around the waist and abdomen.

Conclusion of Keto Diet for Belly Fat

Embarking on a ketogenic diet can effectively target fat loss, including stubborn belly fat. However, before diving into ketosis, consider a few key points. Firstly, the keto diet demands strict adherence and considerable discipline, making it potentially unsustainable for some individuals. Secondly, don’t overlook other vital lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep, as they significantly impact the outcomes of a keto diet.

However, if you can commit to it, a keto diet has the potential to enhance your body composition, reduce visceral fat, and ultimately boost your overall health.


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